Stretching Limits Rabbitry

Medications-Herbs I have used

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Medications-Herbs I have used
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I thought I would list Medications-Herbs, I have used to treat different illnesses/diseases. I am not a vet, these are MY experiences.

Pen G

I have used Pen for Many things Great to have on hand.


If your rabbit has a snotty nose you can try Pen G,

1cc per 10 lbs sub-Q (under skin) 1 injection per a day for 12 days.


** Please take note** Pen G is hard on a rabbit, my experience has been either the Pen G gets them Better or it takes them down faster Sometimes they will not eat for 2 days after the first few injections if the do start back to eating chances are they will be OK if not they will most likely not be OK. I prefer to start with LA-200 injections before the Pen G.


Pen is only hard on the rabbit system when it is given by injections; DO NOT give injections to Pregant does or nursing does.


Pen G is safe for Topical.


I have used Pen G in the eyes for eye infections, works great!


I have used Pen G for Bacterial infections on genitals for bacterial infections, works great!


To use Pen G topically draw up Pen G in a syringe, remove needle and drop 2 -4 drops on the area every other day for a week.


I once had a E-lop with an smelly ear infection of some kind, so I cleaned the inside of the ear out got most of the nasty white goop out then I squirted 1 cc on Pen G down into the ear and it cleared up in 2 days and never had to repeat, wow!



I have used LA-200 for treating snotty noses. I much prefer to try this before the Pen G as the LA-200 is much easier on the rabbit.  Dose is 1cc per 10 lbs Sub -Q (under skin) 1 injection daily for 12 days. I have never had any ill effects from using this product.


I have given LA-200 to Nursing does but NOT to pregnant does.



I have used Baytril orally and as injections.

My vet mixes the Baytril into cherry flavored syrup.


Baytril has worked for me to clear wry neck.

Baytril seems to be the least effective for treating snotty noses, so I rarely use it. When I use it for injections dose is 1cc per 10 lbs Sub Q(under skin) for 14 days.


I have given Baytril to pregant does and nursing does with no ill effects to the babies.




I use Mint when weaning babies from a doe. Mint helps dry up milk. So I feed the doe a bit of mint for 4 days to help reduce milk and a chance of mastitis. DO NOT Feed to Pregant does or Nursing does.


Papaya Tablets

I feed my rabbit’s 1 papaya tablet once a week to help prevent hair balls. Can be fed more often when rabbits are molting,



Prevention treatment at the end of June and the end of December. Dosage: 1/4 tea spoon of Corid per 32 oz water bottle or 1 1/2 tea spoons per a gallon of water. Corid goes in the water. I do a week on it, then a week off, then another week and done.


DO NOT give to prego does, DO Not give to kits under 4 weeks old.





I have started to use the Sulmet over the Corid. Corid is good, but the Sulmet treats for so much more it's antibiotic as well.

Prevention treatment end of June and December.

Dosage: 2 Table Spoons per 1 gallon of water. 10 days on, 5 days off and 10 days on again then done. Must be made fresh daily. Since this Sulmet is expensive I only filled the water bottles 1/2 full. The rabbits notice the taste and don't drink the usual amount of water.


DO NOT give to prego does; DO Not give to kits under 4 weeks old.



Ivermectin apple flavored horse wormer


I worm my rabbits every 6 months fall and spring. I like the Ivermectin apple flavored horse wormer. I take pea size of the paste and put it into a slice of banana and they eat it right up, simple as that.


DO NOT worm pregnant does, I don't worm anything under 6 months old.

Raspberry leaves/tea

I use this a lot for my prego does, it really does seem to help with labor and to help get labor going if they are getting late. I only feed raspberry to pregant does on their due date. I either give them some leaves to eat or make raspberry tea and put it into the water 1 part tea to 3 parts water doe can eat the tea bag. Remove tea water from doe after she kindles.